I had just returned to the shore from shooting the exteriors for "The Fifth Chair" in Englewood, New Jersey with my amazing DP (Alex Gray) when I realized my night...
So tonight started off with me and the wife watching our usual television show together and I was already getting sleepy, of course, by 7:30pm. I asked Shannon to make...
"Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die." - Princess Bride "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think...
After hinting that his new documentary film "Making Arby" was going to be a different style that what we saw in his first doc, Chris mentioned that it was centered...
Chris Vaughn set out to promote his music and found an ally in rock icon Bruce Springsteen. Chris Vaughn set out to promote his music and found an ally in...
“Jerseyboy Hero” 09 Mar, 2009 Think Michael Moore’s “Roger & Me,” only with music as the theme and a good guy being pursued. Here’s the scenario, and it’s true: A...