Movie Quotes
"Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die." - Princess Bride "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think...
Vaughn Announces “Roy Baseborne” Feature in Active Development
After hinting that his new documentary film "Making Arby" was going to be a different style that what we saw in his first doc, Chris mentioned that it was centered...
Vaughn Begins New Documentary
Vaughn announces documentary about his screenwriting and music endeavors while telling a bit more about his journey.
When Men Writ Poems
When men writ poems and that of what they see, They slightly err in and muse at all which they seeing, see’st; For yet and still thy looking glass, that...
Chris Vaughn set out to promote his music and found an ally in rock icon Bruce Springsteen. Chris Vaughn set out to promote his music and found an ally in...
Asbury Park Press
“Jerseyboy Hero” 09 Mar, 2009 Think Michael Moore’s “Roger & Me,” only with music as the theme and a good guy being pursued. Here’s the scenario, and it’s true: A...
Chris Vaughn Takes Film Crew To Bon Jovi Concert
Chris Vaughn Takes Film Crew To Bon Jovi Concert At Giant Stadium For “Jerseyboy Hero” Documentary Chris Vaughn and his determined film crew will be out in the parking lot...